For organizations that want to succeed, doing things right from the beginning is key.
Proper legal counsel is essential during the formation of any startup, especially a nonprofit. It’s at this point when careful documentation and strategic efficiencies are crucial to support a nonprofit’s success for years to come. During this process, we use our expertise to address potential issues and craft long-term strategies.
Starting a new nonprofit organization with tax-exempt status generally involves two basic legal steps:
Forming an entity under state law
Obtaining recognition of federal tax-exempt status
Here’s just a short list of the services we provide to facilitate the start-up process for nonprofits:
Reserve names
Draft and file formation documents (the Articles of Incorporation, also known as a Certificate of Incorporation in some states)
Prepare and file registrations to do business in other jurisdictions
Obtain Employer Identification Numbers (EINs)
Assist with writing a statement of purpose, mission statement and description of your program activities
Advise founders on selecting board of directors and determining structural board issues
Draft bylaws
Prepare and file IRS Exemption Applications (IRS Forms 1023 and 1024)
Serve as your representative before the IRS with any inquiries related to your application
Draft the organizational meeting minutes for the first meeting of the board of directors and/or members
Prepare governing documents, including Document Retention Policy, Conflict of Interest Policy, Whistleblower Policy, etc.
Assist with structuring fiscal sponsorship arrangements
Do you need urgent legal assistance?
Crisis Management can help
Are you considering dissolving your nonprofit or merging with another organization?
Repositioning can help
Do you have a trusted advisor to answer your day-to-day legal questions?
General Counsel can help.
Organizations we serve:
Activist organizations
Animal welfare organizations
Arts organizations
Business leagues
Colleges & Universities
Community organizations
Crowd-funding and fundraising organizations
Donor-Advised Funds
Educational institutions, both public and private
Environmental organizations
Fraternities and sororities
“Friends of” organizations
Grant-making organizations
Non-charitable nonprofit organizations
Private foundations
Private operating foundations
Public charities
Religious organizations and groups
Social clubs
Social services/social welfare organizations
Supporting Organizations
Trade associations
And more